Baudelaire Bath Accessories Cedar 13 in. Bath Brush

MSRP $15.50

UPC: 792703138318

FRONT PANEL: Baudelaire Cedar Bath Brush LONG HANDLE for your whole body! 13 inch

SUPPLEMENT FACTS: It takes care of you! The Japanese know that bathing is more than just getting clean-its about stimulating healthy circulation. After all, your skin is your largest organ-and this traditional Japanese bath brush will exfoliate til it sings! (Plus, you can use the extra long handle to scratch that itch.)

INGREDIENTS: Renewable cedar and natural boar bristles.

DIRECTIONS: You take care of it... Your Baudelaire Cedar Bath Brush will last years and years with proper care (no feeding required!) After each use, just rinse with clean cool water, shake it out, and hang to dry.