DEAD SEA WAREHOUSE, INC. Amazing Minerals Body Facial Care Bars Combo Facial Care Bar 5.2 oz

MSRP $12.95

UPC: 856035001501

FRONT PANEL: Dead Sea Warehouse COMBO Facial Care Bar The Big Bar ...Feel Better, Look Better, Be Better, Naturally! A softly cleansing facial care bar for those of us with combination facial skin. The same as my original 4 oz. pour Combo Facial Care Bar, only BIGGER (and many think) BETTER (Double the cure time = harder bar = lasts longer!)

SUPPLEMENT FACTS: TREAT YOUR FACE! Youve just discovered THE MOST CLARIFYING hand crafted Facial Bar right here. Our Dead Sea Warehouse COMBO Facial Care Bar was created by Annie on a whim and oh my goodness! People LOVE what it does for their Facial Skin!! Slowly hand poured in tiny 22 -24 bar batches (at exactly 4 oz.**), saturated with BOTH Dead Sea Salts and Dead Sea Mud, this is the perfect affordable, effective luxurious bar for combination facial skin! You absolutely must try it. No animal testing. Vegan.

INGREDIENTS: Saponified Oils of Olives, Palm and Coconut, Dead Sea Mineral Salts and Dead Sea Mud

DIRECTIONS: Wash. Rinse. Moisturize if needed.