DEAD SEA WAREHOUSE, INC. Amazing Minerals Body Facial Care Bars Mud Intensive Facial Care Bar 5.2 oz

MSRP $12.95

UPC: 856035001518

FRONT PANEL: Dead Sea Warehouse MUD INTENSIVE Facial Care Bar ...Feel Better, Look Better, Be Better, Naturally! If you suffer with VERY OILY FACIAL SKIN, Annie created this cleansing bar just for you!! Amazingly Affordable, Amazingly Effective, ALL NATURAL

SUPPLEMENT FACTS: OILY FACE MAKING YOU CRAZY? Check this out! Dead Sea Warehouse MUD INTENSIVE Facial Care Bar is lovingly hand poured (at exactly 4 oz.**) just for the Oily Face crowd! This MUD INTENSIVE Facial Care Bar has more 100% Dead Sea Mud saturation than any commercial Dead Sea Mud Soap Annie is aware of. Developed for a family member, Annie put all her Dead Sea cleansing bar making knowledge into the creation of this MUD INTENSIVE cleansing bar. Dead Sea Mud is known for its ability to draw toxins to the surface and quickly clean them away PLUS help to keep oil flow under control between uses. Now the power of Dead Sea Mud is available in this easy to use MUD INTENSIVE Facial Care Bar. No animal testing. Vegan.

INGREDIENTS: Olive Oil, Palm Oil, Coconut Oil, 100% Dead Sea Mud and lots of love!

DIRECTIONS: Wash. Rinse. Moisturize if needed.