Earth Solutions Scent Inhalers Appetite Control

MSRP $7.99

UPC: 764430677255

FRONT PANEL: AROMATHERPY appetite control SCENT INHALER With Pure Essential Oils

SUPPLEMENT FACTS: The essential oils used in this Appetite Control Scent Inhaler were chosen specifically for their known benefits in helping to control appetite. Orange: Calms stomach Lemon: Reduces acidity Sandalwood: Brings peace acceptance Ylang Ylang: Eases anxiety Bergamot: Regulates appetite. By focusing on a positive thought you will achieve even greater results with your Appetite Control Inhaler, by gaining mindfulness in the moment.

INGREDIENTS: Ingredients: Premium Essential Oils plus Jojoba.

DIRECTIONS: Directions: Open Inhaler, close your eyes, inhale and repeat your positive thought or meditation.