Earth Solutions Scent Inhalers Attraction

MSRP $7.99

UPC: 764430683645

FRONT PANEL: earth solutions AROMATHERAPY attraction SCENT INHALER With Pure Essential Oils

SUPPLEMENT FACTS: The essential oils used in this Attraction Scent Inhaler were chosen specifically for their benefits in improving ones self confidence, sex appeal and attraction towards others. Cinnamon: Mild aphrodesiac Clary Sage: Helps dreams become reality Patchouli: Brings pleasure and delight Lavender: Comforts emotions of the heart Ginger: Builds courage and desire By focusing on a positive thought or affirmation, as you inhale the scent, you will achieve even greater results from your Scent Inhaler by creating a memory association between the affirmation and the aroma. This provides a classic aromatherapy effect. As I breathe cinnamon, clary sage, patchouli and lavender, I am reminded that I love myself for who I am and with an open heart leave space for another to enter my world.

INGREDIENTS: Premium Essential Oils plus Jojoba Plant Derived~100% Natural

DIRECTIONS: Open inhaler, close your eyes and mouth, inhale and repeat your affirmation. Close cap between each use to maintain freshness.