Earth Solutions Scent Inhalers Inner Peace

MSRP $7.99

UPC: 764430683805

FRONT PANEL: earth solutions AROMATHERAPY inner peace With Pure Essential Oils

SUPPLEMENT FACTS: inner peace Aromatherapy Scent Inhaler The essential oils used in this Inner Peace Scent Inhaler were chosen specifically for their benefits by increasing ones sense of balance, joy and self love. Benfits: Orange: Brings joy to the heart Clove Bud: Allows for greater serenity Geranium: Great for de-stressing Lavender: Calms the nerves Patchouli: Encourages peace, love and understanding By focusing on a positive thought or affirmation, as you inhale the scent, you will achieve even greater results from your Scent Inhaler by creating a memory association between the affirmation and the aroma. This provides a classic aromatherapy effect. Affirmation: As I breathe in clove, geranium, lavender, orange, and patchouli, I am reminded to live peacefully with balance, forgiveness and with loving kindness.

INGREDIENTS: Ingredients: Premium Essential Oils plus Jojoba. Plant Derived ~ 100% Natural

DIRECTIONS: Directions: Open inhaler, close your eyes and mouth, inhale and repeat your affirmation. Close cap between each use to maintain freshness.