Glad Rags Undyed Organic Cotton Pads Organic Pad 3 Pack

MSRP $49.99

UPC: 788832000046


SUPPLEMENT FACTS: Thank you for choosing Glad Rags Cotton Menstrual Pads. They are washable and reusable. Your supply of Glad Rags should last for years, which is great for you and for the environment. Glad Rags are highly absorbent and the soft cotton makes them super comfortable. They are meant for peronal use by only one person.

INGREDIENTS: Ingredients: Organic grown cotton This package contains: 3 holders and 6 liners. Its a Mini and a Maxi Each Glad Rag consists of one holder and two liners. Place one or both liners in the holder and then snap it around your underwear. Change Glad Rags as often as you would change disposable pads. We suggest 6-12 Glad Rags day pads and 1-3 night pads, depending on your flow and how often you do laundry. Cleaning and care Really simple. Cold water soak or prewash, then machine wash and dry using soap or detergent. Be sure to remove the liners from the holder before washing. Please wash your Glad Rags before initial use. If staining occurs use a non-chlorine stain remover. Once clean and dry store your pads in a dry place. When you are away from home, place the used Glad Rags Carry Bag until you return home, then place in cold water soak.

DIRECTIONS: Instructions: easy to use Snap around any undies