Historical Remedies Drops 12 pc Counter Display Moon Drops

MSRP $7.99

UPC: 750988000348

FRONT PANEL: MOON DROPS 30 Homeopathic Sleep Lozenges Made with Organic Ingredients

SUPPLEMENT FACTS: Indications: Take MOON DROPS to unwind, still and soothe the mind, and ease into a natural sleep.

INGREDIENTS: Natural Homeopathic (HPUS) Natrum Muriaticum 30X, Lycopodium 30X, Ignatia 30X, Nux Vomica 30X, Arsenicum Album 12X, Gelsemium 12C, Coffea Cruda 12X, Valeriana 12C, Chamomilla 6X, Organic Sucrose, Organic Tapioca Syrup, Agar Agar, Oil of Vanilla, Gum Tragacanth.

DIRECTIONS: Dosage: Dissolve one lozenge in mouth during the evening and at bedtime. Repeat as needed. General Caution: This natural product is for self healing conditions. In the absence of results, discontinue use and consult your doctor. Keep out of childrens reach. If pregnant or nursing, seek counsel. Do not use if shrink wrap is broken.